To connect your JustGiving account you must provide the following information:
Resource | Comment |
Charity ID | Your JustGiving Charity ID |
Data App ID | Obtain by emailing |
Consumer App ID | Obtain by emailing |
Username | Your JustGiving Username |
Password | Your JustGiving Password |
Occasionally you may get an error connecting despite entering seemingly valid credentials. In this scenario please check all of the following:
Ensure the JustGiving account you are connecting under is listed as an Admin on your charity account
βEnsure the password for the JustGiving account you are connecting under conforms to the pattern established at (namely: use numbers and letters and only a full stop (
) as the special character)
βReset your JustGiving password at (even if your credentials conform to the above points)
If you perform the above steps, you should be able to then connect successfully.