Mapping MoveData to Existing Salesforce Records

This article assumes you are familiar with how Duplicate Detection works

Scenarios may exist where you need MoveData to map to records which already exist in Salesforce:

  • You are installing MoveData for the first time, and need the integration to bind against certain records which already exist in Salesforce

  • You create your campaigns in Salesforce manually, and need the integration to point to these manually created campaigns

In a practical sense this only relates to in-flight campaigns and recurring donations, since opportunities are rarely updated and contacts and accounts are handled by your duplicate and matching rules. To achieve this:

  • Expose the field Platform Key md_npsp_pack__Platform_Key__c on Campaign and Recurring Donation page layouts

  • Lookup the campaign and/or recurring donation's unique identifier in your connected platform

  • In consultation with the platform rules below, add that unique identifier to md_npsp_pack__Platform_Key__c

This will map the campaign or recurring donation from your connected platform to the record you have mapped against in Salesforce. You may also wish to set Campaign.md_npsp_pack__Protect_Name__c to True to preserve your existing campaign name (see Campaign Name Overridden).

Platform Unique Identifiers


Unique identifiers can be derived from Raisely Reports. Currently you must contact Raisely for Campaign Profile UUID value as this is not exposed in Raisely Reports.

  • Campaigns: Campaign Profile UUID (like aa88bd90-562c-11eb-bf24-6bd493dd10e5)

  • Teams and Fundraisers: Profile UUID (like 74a298b0-6cdc-11eb-b501-399fd2e468ed)

  • Recurring Donations: Subscription UUID (like b6f623c0-2a74-11ec-91e7-b9ad139ed3a4)

All Raisely unique identifiers are to be prefixed with raisely:. Resultant values for Platform Key are:

  • Campaigns: raisely:aa88bd90-562c-11eb-bf24-6bd493dd10e5

  • Teams and Fundraisers: raisely:74a298b0-6cdc-11eb-b501-399fd2e468ed

  • Recurring Donations: raisely:b6f623c0-2a74-11ec-91e7-b9ad139ed3a4


If you are connecting multiple Funraisin' sites please contact MoveData as Funraisin' unique identifiers are sequential per site and the prefix will need to be modified accordingly

Unique identifiers can be derived from Funraisin' Reports:

  • Campaigns: Event ID (like 1)

  • Teams and Fundraisers: History ID (like 2938)

  • Pages: Page ID (like 49)

Funraisin' unique identifiers are to be prefixed according to the following pattern:

  • Campaigns: funraisin:event:

  • Teams and Fundraisers: funraisin:history:

  • Pages: funraisin:page:

Resultant values for Platform Key are:

  • Campaigns: funraisin:event:1

  • Teams and Fundraisers: funraisin:history:2938

  • Pages: funraisin:page:49

Event-less campaigns are parent by a campaign funraisin:funraisin - otherwise the event campaign is used as the parent.


Unique identifiers can be derived from Grassrootz Reports:

  • Campaigns: Campaign ID (like 5531)

  • Teams: Team ID (like 13042)

  • Fundraisers: Fundraiser ID (like 123948)

  • Recurring Donations: Subscription UUID (like 559)

Grassrootz unique identifiers are to be prefixed according to the following pattern:

  • Campaigns: grassrootz:campaign:

  • Teams: grassrootz:team:

  • Fundraisers: grassrootz:fundraiser:

  • Recurring Donations: grassrootz:

Resultant values for Platform Key are:

  • Campaigns: grassrootz:campaign:5531

  • Teams: grassrootz:team:13042

  • Fundraisers: grassrootz:fundraiser:123948

  • Recurring Donations: grassrootz:559


Unique identifiers can be derived from JustGiving Reports:

  • Campaigns: Event ID (like 6202476)

  • Teams and Fundraisers: Page ID (like 15337999)

  • Recurring Donation: Donor User Id (like 53187580) and Recurring Mandate Creation Date (like 9/9/14)

JustGiving unique identifiers are to be prefixed according to the following pattern:

  • Campaigns: justgiving:event:

  • Teams and Fundraisers: justgiving:pages:

  • Recurring Donations: justgiving:

Resultant values for Platform Key are:

  • Campaigns: justgiving:event:6202476

  • Teams and Fundraisers: justgiving:pages:15337999

  • Recurring Donation: justgiving:53187580_20140909

    • Uses formula {donorUserId}_{recurringMandateCreationDate}

      • This is because JustGiving does not provide a unique identifier for recurring donations so one must be constructed using other values

    • Underscore is placed between variables and date normalised to YYYYMMDD

For eventless JustGiving campaigns use value justgiving:justgiving


The parent Good2Give campaign uses value g2g:good2give

Only consider the following if you have Employer Campaigns, Charity Project Campaigns, or Employer and Charity Project Campaigns enabled

Unique identifiers can be derived from Good2Give Reports:

  • Employer Campaign: Employer Name (like Google)

  • Charity Project Campaign: Charity Project Name (like Special Needs)

All Good2Give unique identifiers are to be prefixed with g2g:, converted to lowercase, and have spaces replaced with hyphens. Resultant values for Platform Key are:

  • Employer Campaign: g2g:google

  • Charity Project Campaign: g2g:special-needs

  • Employer and Charity Project Campaign: g2g:google-special-needs

    • Uses formula {employerName}-{charityProject}


Unique identifiers can be derived from DoGooder Reports:

  • Campaigns: Campaign.ID (like 4277)

    • If Campaign represents a DoGooder Action, use Action.ID (like 9504)

All DoGooder unique identifiers are to be prefixed with dogooder:. Resultant values for Platform Key are:

  • Campaigns: dogooder:4277

    • If Campaign represents a DoGooder Action: dogooder:9504

Last updated